Sabtu, 28 Januari 2012


Advertisement is the information persuade and maturate people so that attracted to service and things that offer.

Kinds of advertisement:
~ Family advertisement.
~ Announcement advertisement.
~ Invitation advertisement.
~ Request advertisement.
~ Article advertisement.
~ Offer advertisement.

Function of advertisement:
~ Promotion.
~ Communication.
~ Information.

We can find the advertisement on newspaper, tabloid, magazine, television, radio and billboard.

 In making an advertisement, keep the following points likes:
~ The contents of advertisement must objective and honest.
~ Short and clean.
~ Doesn’t allude other group of producer
~ Use word that polite and logical.
~ Attract attention.

For sale
Need a nice & comfortable home in area of Puncak with reasonable cost? Garden Castle, palms, lighted, drive way, 5 br, 3 ba, 2 lg kitchen, face East. Rp. 2,250 M. Pls Call (021) 7510965


Use the present perfect tense when:
~ Something happened in the past, and
~ The result of happening is still there.

1. I have closed the door. (The result; The door is still closed)
2. Aiiu has gone to Japan. (The result; Aiiu is still in Japan)

This is different from the simple past tense:
1.I closed the door. (The result; You don’t know if the door is still closed or not)
2.Aiiu went to Japan. (The result; She is no longer in Japan)

 The Affirmative Form
Pattern : S + Auxiliary Verb (Have/Has) + past participle + . . .
1. He has bought a car here. (He has the car)
2. I lived in Japan (I know Japan)

This tense often uses “for” and “since” especially to express the continuing events (peristiwa yg masih berlanjut).
1. I have been here for 15 minutes.
2. I have been here since 9 o’clock.

Contractions with the present tense:
I have → I’ve
You have → You’ve
He has → He’s
She has → She’s

It has → It’s
Wima has → Wima’s
We have → We’ve
They have → They’ve

Contraction of ‘s may be confusing sometimes. It can come from the verb be (is) or the auxiliary has. But you can understand it from the context.
The key are:
→ The contraction of ‘s from the auxiliary verb has when it is followed by past participle.
→ The contraction of ‘s from the verb be (is) when it is followed by nouns, adjectives, or V-ing
1. She’s borrowed my book. (auxiliary has)
2. She’s listening to music. (verb be)

 The Negative Form
Pattern: S = Auxiliary verb (Have/Has) + not + past participle + …
1. Aiiu has not gone to the movie.
2. He has not finished repairing the radio.

 The Interrogative Form
Pattern: Auxiliary (Have/Has) + S + Past Participle + … + ?
1. Has Wima finished his homework?
2. Have student done their assignments?

The present perfect tense often uses adverb “just, ever, never, and already”, especially to express the speaker’s experiences or new information. (Note: never = not ever)

( + ) We have just lived in Japan.
( - ) Kenny has not already finished her homework.
( ? ) Has Sonny ever eaten quail eggs?


Part of Body

The Body → Tubuh
1.Hair → Rambut
2.Head → Kepala
3.Neck → Leher
4.Throat → Tenggorokan
5.Shoulder → Bahu
6.Chest → Dada
7.Back → Punggung
8.Waist → Pinggung
9.Stomach/Tummy → Perut
10.Hip → Pinggul
11.Bottom → Pantat
12.Armpit → Ketiak
13.Arm → Lengan
14.Upper arm → Lengan Atas
15.Elbow → Siku
16.Forearm → Lengan Bawah
17.Wrist → Pergelangan Tangan
18.Fist → Kepalan Tangan
19.Hand → Tanagn
20.Palm → Tapak Tangan
21.Thumb → Ibu Jari
22.Finger → Jari Tangan
23.Nail → Kuku
24.Leg → Kaki
25.Thigh → Paha
26.Knee → Lutut
27.Calf → Betis
28.Ankle → Pergelangan Kaki
29.Foot → Kaki
30.Heel → Tumit
31.Instep → Kura-Kura Kaki
32.Sole → Tapak Kaki
33.Toes → Jari Kaki

The Skeleton → Rangka Manusia
1.Skull → Tengkorak
2.Collar-bone → Tulang Selangka
3.Shoulder-blade → Tulang Belikat
4.Ribs → Tulang Rusuk
5.Backbone/Spine → Tulang Belakang / Punggung
6.Breastbone → Tulang dada
7.Hip-bone/Pelvis → Tulang pinggul
8.Kneecap → Tulang Tempurung Kepala

The Face → Wajah / Muka
1.Eye → Mata
2.Noise → Hidung
3.Ear → Telinga
4.Mouth → Mulut
5.Cheek → Pipi
6.Chin → Dagu
7.Temple → Pelipis
8.Forehead/Brow → Dahi/Kenig
9.Jaw → Rahang
10.Moustache → Kumis
11.Beard → Janggut
12.Tooth → Gigi
13.Lip → Bibir
14.Tongue → Lidah

1.Eyeball → Bola Mata
2.Eyebrow → Alis Mata
3.Eyelid → Kelopak Mata
4.Eyelashes → Bulu Mata
5.Pupil → Manik Mata
6.Iris → Selaput Pelangi

1.Brain → Otak
2.Windpipe → Batang Tenggorokan
3.Heart → Jantung
4.Lung → Paru-Paru
5.Liver → Hati
6.Kidney → Ginjal
7.Intestines → Usus
8.Bladder → Kandung Kemis
9.Vein → Pembuluh Balik
10.Artery → Pembuluh Nadi
11.Muscle → Otot

*) Simple Straight Sided Shapes
Example : Rectangle (Persegi Panjang), Square (Persegi), Triangle (Segitiga).
*) Simple Rounded Shapes
Example : Circle (Lingkaran), Oval (Oval/Lonjong).
*) Types of Triangle
Example : Equilateral Triangle (Segitiga Sama Kaki), Isosceles Triangle (Segitiga Sama Sisi), Rightangled Triangle (Segitiga Siku-Siku).
*) 3D Shapes
Example : Cone (Kerucut), Cube (Kubus), Cylinder (Tabung), Pyramid (Limas), Rectangular (Balok), Prism (Prisma), Sphere (Bola).
*) Mathematical Shapes
Example ; Parallelogram (Jajargenjang), Pentagon-5 sides (Segi 5), Hexagon-6 sides(Segi 6), Octagen-8 sides (Segi 8).
*) Miscellaneous Shapes
Example ; Coffin, Diamond (Belah Ketupat), Heart (Hati), Kite (Layang-layang), Petal, Shell (Kerang/Tiram), Star (Bintang), Teardrop.


Greetings is a way for human beings to intentionally communicate awareness of each other’s presence, to show attention to, and/or to affirm or suggest a type of relationship or social status between individuals or groups of people coming in contact with each other.
As many forms of communication, greetings habits are highly culture and situation. Specific and many changes within a culture dispending on social status and relationship : the [phenomenon] as such exists in all known human cultures though.
Greetings can be expressed both avdibly and physically, and often involve a combination of the two. This topic excludes military and ceremonial salutes but includes rituals other then gestures.
How do you greet other people?
~ Good Morning / Afternoon / Evening / Night / nite.
~ Hi / Hello, Aiiu!
~ How everything with you?
~ How are you / How life / How are you getting along?
~ Fine thanks!
~ Pretty goods thanks!
~ I’m well, thanks.
~ Not bad, thanks. And you?
How do introduce yourself?
~ Let me introduce myself. My name is Ayu Maulida.
~ Hello, my name is Ayou!
~ Hi, I’m Aiiu!
How do you introduce other people?
~ I would like to introduce KiQy!
~ I would like you to meet agree.
~ Excuse me, let me introduce my new friend. Her name is KiQy.


The simple present tense is used to express habits, general truth instructions or direction, fixed arrangement, etc.
~ Verbal Sentences.
            (+) S + V(-s/-es) + Object.
            (-)  S + do/does + not + V1 +  Object.
            (?) Do/does + S + V+ Object + ?
~ Non Verbal Sentences.
            (+) S  +  to be  +  noun / adjective / adverb.
            (-)  S  +  to be + not + noun / adjective / adverb.
            (?) To be  + S + noun / adjective / adverb + ?

Adverb of time:
Always            Every
Never              Often
Seldom            Usually
Sometime        Once / Twice   etc

(+) You are a teacher.
(-)  You are not a teacher.
(?) Are you a teacher?


We use simple past tense to talk about  an action that happened in the past. We also use it to tell a story.
The time of signals that indicate such happenings are yesterday, this morning, just now, a few minutes ago, . . . ago (long, long time ago), and last . . .(last Monday, last week, etc).

Using be      : S + was/were + V+ Complement
~ Using verbs : S + Vpast + Complement

The function of the simple past tense:
1.   To express that an action started and finished at the specific time in the past.
2.   To describe a habit which stopped in the past. To make it clear that we are talking about a habit, we often add expressions such as : always, often, usually, never, when, etc.
3.   To describe past fact6 or generalizations which are no longer true. Example: Grandpa didn’t like coffee before.

Kind of Past Tense:
~ Past Progressive Tense / Past Continous Tense.
~ Past Perfect Tense.
~ Past Perfect Progressive Tense.

Example of Simple Past Tense:
(+) The diligent boy studied last night.
(-) The diligent boy did not study last night.
(?) Did the diligent boy study last night.


Procedure text is a piece of text that gives us instruction for doing something.

The purpose of procedure text type is to explain how something can be done.

 The Characteristic of Procedure Text:
v  Using the simple present tense. Usually in imperative sentences.
v  Using relative pronoun temporal, likes first, second, then, next, finally
v  Using action verb, likes turn on, stir, and cook.

The Structure of Procedure Text:
Ø  An introductory statement that gives the aim or goal.
Ø  A list of materials that will be needed for completing the procedure.
Ø  A sequence of steps in the order they need to be done.

The language features usually found in a procedure text:
a)      The use of technical language.
b)      Sentences that begin with verbs and are stated as commands.
c)      The use of time words or numbers that tell the order for doing the procedure.
d)     The use of adverbs to tell how the action should be done.


A narrative text is a piece of writing that tells in from of fairy, tale, legend, fable, science, fiction, and myths.

a.       To entertain the readers.
b.      To teach or inform.
c.       To change social opinion.

A narrative text can have as many paragraphs as the writers want. However, it mainly consists of three parts: Orientation, Sequence of Events / Complications, and Resolution.
-          ORIENTATION
This part presents the settings of the story and introduce the characters involved.
The story continues here. Usually, there is an event or a sequence of events that lead the characters into the a complication (some form of conflict that disrupts the normal event).
Tension stars to buildup to a climax, and this draw anticipation in the readers.
-          RESOLUTION
The problem stars to get resolved. Sometimes the story ends happily or vice versa, and at other times the resolution (the ending of the story) is left for the readers to decide.

·         Characters with define personalities / identities
·         Dialogue often include-tense may change to the present or the future.
·         Descriptive language to create images in the reader’s mind and enhance the story.

  Temporal Conjuction of Narrative Text:
o     Once upon a time
o     A long time ago
o     One day

  Examples of Narrative Text:
ü    Short stories
ü    Folklore
ü    Legend


Recount text is a text that is used to retell the readers what happened in the past through a sequence of events.
Social Function : To retell past event for the purpose of informing or entertaining.

It’s about who was involved, what happened, where this event took place and when it happened.

v  EVENT (S)
It’s about what happened in chronological order.

The conclusion of the experience.


ü    Focuses on individual participants.
ü    Use of material process.
ü    Circumstances of theme and places.
ü    Use of the past tense.
Ø  Use of past tenses
(Ex: went, spent, played)
Ø  Use of time conjunctions
(Ex: and, but, after, then)
Ø  Use of adverbs of time in the past
(Ex: yesterday, last week, two days ago)
Ø  Use of personal pronoun
(Ex: I, we)


 Annoucement is something said, written or printed to make known what has happened or (more often) what
will happen.

In writing an annoucement, keep the following points :
    < Title/Type of event>
    < Date/Time,place>
    <contact person>


School Trip to Depok Beach

                                  On 30th of january, our school will hold a school trip to Depok Beach
                             Time                 : at 07:30 am
                             Programs          : Volly ball, lunch near the beach, and playing water games
                             Free                 : Rp 45.000,00
                             Contact Person : Bunga and Matthew X3
